Saturday, October 25, 2008

Herb Caen Quote

"One day if I do go to heaven~ I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco. "
- Herb Caen

And that's how I feel about this city of mine too!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Hottest Halloween Ball in San Francisco!


Sex, Magic, & the Occult

a Halloween Ball featuring...

Legendary Performance artist Penny Arcade

Vinsantos High priestess: Marga Gomez

Ethel Merman Kitten on the Keys

harpist Deadre Eagen, Diamond Daggers,

Sophisticated Boom Boom,

& Special Guest Holcombe Waller

DJ Dunevil (Protection) & DJ Nature Boy (Babies on Fire)

Hosts Mr. Anthony, Veronica Klaus, Daniel Detorie, Norman,

Dottie Lux, Suzi Chang, & Jessica Heidt.

Visuals by III

Bar proceeds benefit BRAVA for Women in the Arts (

Tickets: $16 presale ($22 door) available at:

Cafe Flore: 2298 Market Street

Ginger Rubio Salon: 600 Shotwell Street

Distractions: 1552 Haight Street

& online at:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Is 70 the New 50?

Decades ago a friend said, "Tina has great legs for her age."

Upon the withering look I gave him, he corrected himself, "Tina has great legs."

Tina was barely 40 at the time.

And, at 68 years of age, it looks like they just keep on going...

Before you know it, 70 will be the new 50... I can't wait. Bring it on!

Friday, October 17, 2008

NO on PROP 8!

Sick of Prop. 8 ranting yet? Too bad. Because we're not. And how could
we be with gems like this? See, body cavity cleansing device Bill Tam,
a Chinese-American leading the effort in the Asian-American community
to pass Proposition 8, is spreading lies amongst San Francisco's
Chinatown residents. Tam tells the Mercury News:

and here is more of the shit we have to deal with

spread the word!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Don't forget to click all over the image.

Bottled Water Is No Purer Than Tap Water

Excerpted from an article by Rob Waters (love his name!)

Bottled water sold in markets and convenience stores may be no more free of pollutants than the water that pours from the kitchen tap at a fraction of the cost, said an environmental group that tested samples.

Ten top-selling brands of bottled water contained a total of 38 pollutants including fertilizer, industrial chemicals, bacteria and the residue of drugs such as Tylenol, according to a report by the Environmental Working Group based in Washington, D.C. The bottled water showed an average of eight pollutants in each sample.

Americans drank more than twice as much bottled water in 2007 as they did in 1997, guzzling 8.8 billion gallons at a cost of $10.3 billion in 2007, according to the Beverage Marketing Corp., a research and consulting firm based in New York. Although commercials often show pristine mountain springs, the reality is that bottled water often comes from city water supplies, said Renee Sharp, an Environmental Working Group senior scientist.

Public water utilities are required to inform customers about contaminants that may be present in tap water and, in most states, to tell customers where the water comes from and how it's purified. Companies selling bottled water have few similar rules, Sharp said.

California, which has stricter standards than most states, requires companies to disclose whether bottled water comes from municipal water systems and also to warn consumers about contaminants that may pose health risks.

"But even in California, consumers still can't be assured they're getting a better product'' than they could get from their kitchen sink, Sharp said.

Sharp and her colleagues started their research by buying samples of 10 different brands and sending them to an independent laboratory for testing. They noticed that bottles from Wal-Mart's and Giant Food Inc., a supermarket chain owned by Koninklijke Ahold NV of Amsterdam, seemed to bear the chemical signature of standard municipal water treatment, Sharp said.

In three samples of Sam's Choice purified drinking water sold at Wal-Mart stores near San Francisco, levels of a group of chemicals known as trihalomethanes exceeded state standards, the report said. These are byproducts of chlorine and other chemicals used to kill microbes and can cause cancer at high doses.

Yikes! I'm sure glad I've not being throwing away good money by drinking water out my tap.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama and The Palin Effect

Rather than send emails around the ether that may or may not get read, I've chosen to add this commentary by Deepak Chopra in the hopes that more people will see it:

Sometimes politics has the uncanny effect of mirroring the national psyche even when nobody intended to do that. This is perfectly illustrated by the rousing effect that Gov. Sarah Palin had on the Republican convention in Minneapolis this week. On the surface, she outdoes former Vice President Dan Quayle as an unlikely choice, given her negligent parochial expertise in the complex affairs of governing. Her state of Alaska has less than 700,000 residents, which reduces the job of governor to the scale of running one-tenth of New York City. By comparison, Rudy Giuliani is a towering international figure. Palin's pluck has been admired, and her forthrightness, but her real appeal goes deeper.

She is the reverse of Barack Obama, in essence his shadow, deriding his idealism and exhorting people to obey their worst impulses. In psychological terms the shadow is that part of the psyche that hides out of sight, countering our aspirations, virtue, and vision with qualities we are ashamed to face: anger, fear, revenge, violence, selfishness, and suspicion of "the other." For millions of Americans, Obama triggers those feelin gs, but they don't want to express them. He is calling for us to reach for our higher selves, and frankly, that stirs up hidden reactions of an unsavory kind. (Just to be perfectly clear, I am not making a verbal play out of the fact that Sen. Obama is black. The shadow is a metaphor widely in use before his arrival on the scene.)

I recognize that psychological analysis of politics is usually not welcome by the public, but I believe such a perspective can be helpful here to understand Palins message. In her acceptance speech Gov. Palin sent a rousing call to those who want to celebrate their resistance to change and a higher vision.

Look at what she stands for:

--Small town values -- a denial of America's global role, a return to petty, small-minded parochialism.

--Ignorance of world affairs -- a repudiation of the need to repair America's image abroad.

--Family values -- a code for walling out anybody who makes a claim for social justice. Such strangers, being outside the family, don't need to be heeded.

--Rigid stands on guns and abortion -- a scornful repudiation that these issues can be negotiated with those who disagree.

--Patriotism -- the usual fallback in a failed war.

--"Reform" -- an italicized term, since in addition to cleaning out corruption and excessive spending, one also throws out anyone who doesn't fit your ideology.

Palin reinforces the overall message of the reactionary right, which has been in play since 1980, that social justice is liberal-radical, that minorities and immigrants, being different from "us" pure American types, can be ignored, that progressivism takes too much effort and globalism is a foreign threat. The radical right marches under the banners of "I'm all right, Jack," and "Why change? Everything's OK as it is." The irony, of course, is that Gov. Palin is a woman and a reactionary at the same time. She can add mom to apple pie on her resume, while blithely reversing forty years of feminist progress. The irony is superficial; there are millions of women who stand on the side of conservatism, however obviously they are voting against their own good. The Republicans have won multiple national elections by raising shadow issues based on fear, rejection, hostility to change, and narrow-mindedness.

Obama's call for higher ideals in politics can't be seen in a vacuum. The shadow is real; it was bound to respond. Not just conservatives possess a shadow -- we all do. So what comes next is a contest between the two forces of progress and inertia. Will the shadow win again, or has its furtive appeal become exhausted? No one can predict. The best thing about Gov. Palin is that she brought this conflict to light, which makes the upcoming debate honest. It would be a shame to elect another Reagan, whose smiling persona was a stalking horse for the reactionary forces that have brought us to the demoralized state we are in. We deserve to see what we are getting, without disguise.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Badlands Pink Slip Stud

As it turned out Damon had to work on his birthday so the party ~ Frank, Anthony, and, my new BFB, James, and me ~ went to the front bar of Badlands and watched hot Madonna videos in between chatting with Damon in between Damon pouring drinks.

Then it was over to the Stud where Xave, aka Nature Boy, was DJ'ing Pink Slip. It was cute. Highlights were Miss Nix channeling Grace Jones' La Vie en Rose, Virginia Suicide doing a killer song Bang Bang (don't know who by) and, of course, the inimitable, amazing Suppositori Spelling, who came out looking like a school marm and ended up looking like the bad girl she is;)

Home in bed by 1:30 am ~ a fun Tuesday night:)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Sarah Palin - c/o SNL

I posted the YouTube vid, but it didn't carry forth my vile, so for those of you who care what a foreigner might think:

I have refrained from commenting on politics as it is a subject I prefer to avoid. However, I was struck deeply by Senator Biden's comment that this is the most important election of our times... and that is true whether you are about to vote your first election or whether you have been voting for sixty years. People, PAY ATTENTION, THIS IS IMPORTANT!

I watched the vice presidential 'debate' and I am appalled that it has not become know as the "vice presidential debacle"... maybe it has; I am simply busy to catch ALL the news... And, therein may lie the problem with middle America -- or is it the media in this country? Where do people who really want "news" as in "truth" go?!!

And so I post this video in hopes of being another URL in the ether that an inquiring mind might land upon.

As a 'Resident Alien' of 25 years, I am horrified by what this woman (aka The Governor of Alaska) is doing to further ruin the reputation of the United States of America. "For crying out loud," to borrow her folksey parlance, as women we have fought so hard to take a 'wink and a nod' out of corporate America. Are we going to let her get away with this? On national television? Help me people!

Can you imagine this woman using her so-last-century-wiles to discuss solutions to global challenges with leaders of foreign countries, such as... oh.... well, let's imagine... a moment with Iran at some point in the not too distant future... or perhaps 'Russia' (do some of us remember the days of "duck and cover" advertising from our childhoods?)... F**K!!! I would not even want her talking to the President of Kazakhstan with Borat Sagdiyev representing the other side...

Actually, now that I think about it, what is Sacha Baron Cohen doing these days? SLACKER!!

Okay... this is the closest to a rant you will ever get from me.

Hey Sarah Palin (with lyrics/subtitles)


We had a very lackadaisical, or as Anthony likes to call it lollygag, start to the Castro Street Fair. With the boys coming from Noe Valley and me from the Haight, it was pure coincidence that we rendezvoused at Citizen, one of our go-to stores, with the manager Don overseeing the proceedings like a first-class maitre d'.

Several hundred dollars later... just kidding. I bought a pair of Diesel rainbow-colored undies for Damon's birthday coming up on Tuesday. After Anthony described wearing them as, "a party just waiting to be unpacked," how could I resist? Isn't that Damon to a T? Anthony reserved several items to be tried on when he was less pressed for time since all three of us were starving. Where to go?

Harvey's was a zoo. We were put off the sangria and crepes place by the naked man in full view. And then, Eureka!, we thought of it...

Our timing was impeccable... a table on the first floor overlooking the cast of thousands meandering by. Cocktails were creative and delicious - Anthony ordered a French Kiss; I ordered a muddled blackberry and blueberry mojito affair; Frank was strictly classic - Mimosas all the way!

And then the gluttony began... to find out what we ate, you'll have to visit

And then we went to the Men's Room to say hi to David, who was bartending, and to meet Damon for a drink before he had to start work at Badlands. All the while, frantic texting was going back and forth while we figured out Plan B, since Plan A ~ a lavish dinner for a party of eight ~ was obviously not happening.

We resorted to the old cheap and cheerful champion of spaghetti bolognese... accompanied by gallons of vino, naturally. Tom and David (owners of the Inner Mission Bar who rarely have the night off) provided the pupu platter... and we settled in for a True Blood Trilogy.

It was a fangalicious day and night:)

Friday, October 03, 2008

Whachovia - Walk Over Ya?

In the course of my day-to-day work (as opposed to my night-to-night work as a filmmaker), I came across - a website that features short video lessons by thought leaders. When I clicked on their 'trailer' (halfway down the page), I about peed myself when 30 seconds into the trailer came Jim Garrity, Former Chief Marketing Officer of Wachovia and I quote,"companies celebrate risks." I wonder just how much celebrating is going on in the inner sanctum of, as I like to call them, WalkOverYa these days?

Judging by the bank's huge advertising campaign in the Bay Area, I used to think their message was "Watch Over Ya..."

Don't ya just love how we can drop formalities these days? WINK, WINK...

See ya!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Little Wine Review

The other night I popped over to North Beach to an art show where a friend of a friend - Richard Luckey Perri - was included in a show of 13 artists' work at the Live Worms Gallery on Grant Avenue. Talk about blast from the past - so bo-ho and not in the chic hip way that graces Allure Magazine et al. I'll refrain from going into details, just say that my friend and I amused ourselves immensely by creating background stories for the characters we saw (a writer's exercise I learned in Vagliagli lo these many years ago). When we tired of that amusement, we mosied down the street to Rose Pistola, an old favorite, where Sam, the wonderfully accommodating bartender, catered to my picky tastes.

First on the list - currently one of my favorite varietals, Nero D'Avola from Sicily. At $15 a glass I was extremely curious, since wines from Sicily are usually on the bargain side (as in you can buy three bottles for $15!). This was a 2004, Saia, Feudo Maccari. Lovely on the nose, all those rich dried earthy fruits, but so disappointing... no structure, completely flat:(

Next up was a 2006 Zilath blend (Montepulciano, Sangiovese, Carignane), Caslae Centro Corri, Lazio - which is from around Rome. At $8, I was eager to like it. Again, nice nose but lacking structure.

Following right behind, a 2005 Pino Nero, 'Pinay', Attilio Ghisolf, Langhe, Piemonte... these Italian wines are such a mouthful... At $10.50, it was extremely lovely, nothing to rave about, but quaffable.

And that's this little wine reviewers tuppence worth for the week:)

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Better Bail Out

I received this proposition from a friend. It makes perfect sense to me.

I'm against the $85,000,000, 000.00 bailout of AIG.
Instead, I'm in favor of giving $85,000,000, 000 to America in a "We Deserve It Dividend".
To make the math simple, let's assume there are 200,000,000 bonafide U.S. Citizens 18+.
Our population is about 301,000,000 +/- counting every man, woman and
child. So 200,000,000 might be a fair stab at adults 18 and up..
So divide 200 million adults 18+ into $85 billion that equals $425,000.00.
My Plan is to give $425,000 to every person 18+ as a "We Deserve It Dividend".
Of course, it would NOT be tax free.
So let's assume a tax rate of 30%.
Every individual 18+ has to pay $127,500.00 in taxes.
That sends $25,500,000, 000 right back to Uncle Sam.
But it means that every adult 18+ has $297,500.00 in their pocket.
A husband and wife has $595,000.00.
What would you do with $297,500.00 to $595,000.00 in your family?
Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.
Repay college loans - what a great boost to new grads
Put away money for college - it'll be there
Save in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.
Buy a new car - create jobs
Invest in the market - capital drives growth
Pay for your family's medical insurance - health care improves
Enable Deadbeat Dads to come clean - or else
Remember this is for every adult U S Citizen 18+ including the folks who lost their jobs at Lehman Brothers and every other company that is cutting back. And of course, for those serving in our Armed Forces.
If we're going to re-distribute wealth let's really do it...instead of trickling out a puny $1000.00 ( "vote buy") economic incentive that is being proposed by one of our candidates for President.
If we're going to do an $85 billion bailout, let's bail out every adult U S Citizen 18+!
As for AIG - liquidate it.
Sell off its parts.
Let American General go back to being American General.
Sell off the real estate.
Let the private sector bargain hunters cut it up and clean it up.
Here's my rationale. We deserve it and AIG doesn't.
Sure it's a crazy idea that can "never work."
But can you imagine the Coast-To-Coast Block Party!
How do you spell Economic Boom?
I trust my fellow adult Americans to know how to use the $85 Billion
We Deserve It Dividend more than do the geniuses at AIG or in Washington DC
And remember, The "WDID" plan only really costs $59.5 Billion because $25.5 Billion is returned instantly in taxes to Uncle Sam.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Acting Classes with Richard Harder

It's been decades since I signed up for an acting class at UC Berkeley Extension. That was a complete waste of $300+ since I chickened out after oh, I think it was the second class. Standing in front of my fellow students reciting Robbie Burn's Ode to a Mouse had me quaking in whatever expensive pumps I must have been wearing at the time. I resolved right then to remain behind the scenes and now the camera. So it is not without trepidation that I am planning to take Richard Harder's 8-week acting class that kicks off on October 4th

In the interests of disclosure, since James Dalessandro quit teaching the longest-running private screenwriting class in Northern California, there's been a bit of a hole in the work that I do, so Richard's going to get the benefit of my digital marketing skills to promote his class. However, that shouldn't bias you.

Having witnessed Richard work my young actor Kish ~ the next Will Smith! ~ I can truthfully say that I am looking forward to learning from Richard. He has studied with the top acting teachers in the U.S. including eight years as Jean Shelton's protege and master workshops with Stella Adler. If anyone can make an actress out of me, it will be Richard... so stay tuned to this blog for weekly updates. If nothing else, they should provide amusement.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Jazz Fest in New Olreans

And, just a little reminder of what New Orleans can be...

Ride through 9th Ward New Orleans

My friend Dave moved backed to New Orleans after Katrina and has been working there since to help restore the city. He's been in San Francisco for the past few weeks and was due to return to New Orleans on Monday. Obviously, that didn't happen. He's somewhat stranded here as in "needs work to pay the bills" and is putting his work out on the web to see whether he can garner any interest. As a former advertising Creative Director he's got great skills, but will be happy to resize banners if it brings in some moolah. This video is testament to his skills and his soul... Wow, it's like watching 9/11 all over again... Poor New Orleans... all those people... so sad. Let's make sure that the Republicans do not get another 8 years!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Evolution of Dance

So creative! Totally fun!

Happy birthday to me!

From across the pond... love it!

Thanks Nick.

Peace One Day - A Short Video Explaining Peace One Day

Sunday, September 21st - a day to do something in the name of peace.

One Sound

San Francisco film producer, Lorraine Flett, presents One Sound, a short film offering insight into the richly textured lives of hip urbanites, set in and around a coffee shop.

Live Screening: August, 7th, 9:00 PM Farley's Cafe, Potrero Hill, San Francisco.

You Do Know How To Whistle, Don't Ya!


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Oprah's List... On Men.


* If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.

* If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

* Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.

* Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

* Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.

* Slower is better.

* Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy..

* If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve then heck no, you can't 'be friends'. A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

* If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is

* Don't stay because you think 'it will get better'. You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not better.

* The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

* Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

* Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

* Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.

* Never let a man know everything - He will use it against you later.

* You cannot change a man's behaviour - Change comes from within.

* Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are... even if he has more education or in a better job.

* Do not make him into a quasi-god - He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

* Never let a man define who you are.

* Never borrow someone else's man - If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.

* A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

* All men are NOT dogs.

* You should not be the one doing all the bending... Compromise is two way street.

* You need time to heal between relationships...

* There is nothing cute about baggage...

* Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

* You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you...

* A relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals... Look for someone complimentary...not supplementary.

* Dating is fun...even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

* Make him miss you sometimes...when a man always know where you are, and you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted

* Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.

* Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you need - Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

* Scared of being alone is what makes a lot of women stay in relationships that are abusive or hurtful: Dr. Phill

* You should know that you're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone and if a man mistreats you, he'll miss out on a good thing. If he was attracted to you in the 1st place, just know that he's not the only one. They're all watching you, so you have a lot of choices. Make the right one.

* Ladies take care of your own hearts....

* Share this with other women and men (just so they know)... You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another woman prepare. They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.

What do you all think?? I could not agree more!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Christian the Lion

I've heard it said that this is a hoax, but I choose to not be cynical and believe in the possibilities of love.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Germany vs Spain Euro 08

I'll be rooting for Germany at my local sports bar, Kezar on Haight... Final score? Germany 2; Spain 1:)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Xavier Naidoo feat. RZA - I've never seen

I've just been introduced to Xavier Naidoo... I'm hooked! This song is magical... makes me happy, makes me sad, makes me miss a someone special in my life:)

Oh, the joy of being of sassy and single in SF!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

San Francisco

Like everyone else in the city I was dining al fresco on Friday night - could it have been any hotter? And now we're back to Shiverville... but I don't complain. I can't imagine what it would cost to live here if we had balmy evenings year-round, spurred by the mass exodus from L.A. alone! And when it's chilly outside there's enough to do inside... like the Frida Kahlo exhibition that's currently showing at the MOMA. Saw it Thursday night, followed by a nibble and glass of Nero D'Avola (currently my favorite varietal) at SPQR. Loved the exhibit, have less nicer things to say about SPQR (read my review on Yelp). Following the exhibition of her paintings is a collection of photographs in which you can see just how styling Frida was... her jewelry alone! Cynthia and I were wondering what happened to it all when in a book she saw a photo of Frida on her deathbed. "Look," she said, "it wasn't going anywhere. She took it to her grave." Sure enough, there was Frida laid out in her finest, every finger adorned with a huge ring. She would have been so in vogue right now.

Yesterday, we went to the Chihuly exhibit at the De Young... OMG. It is truly astonishing. Just when you think it can't get any better, you walk into the next room and your breath is taken away again. My words cannot do it justice ~ you simply have to see it for your self... and if you don't live in San Francisco, then nanananana neh!

That's why we pay the high prices:)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Memo to Debra Winger

First of all, I LOVE your book... read through 110 pages before putting it down, not because I couldn't read any more but because I realized I'd regret devouring it so fast!

I regret to say, however, that the word 'prostitute' does appear in the book, so you may want to rethink your presentation:)

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Fabulous Debra Winger...

spoke my name!

As well as my friend Amy's and probably every other person for whom she autographed copies of her book
Undiscovered tonight... but that's not the point. She could just as easily have not said it. The fact that she did, IMHO, speaks to her authenticity and being truly 'present'. How many times have you been introduced to someone and a second later can't remember their name, huh?

I don't know why I should have been surprised to find that she is so down to earth, as well as extremely sharp and witty ~ never mind that she looks gorgeous (I would say for her age, but, like Tina Turner's legs, for any age). When she didn't agree with the assumption within the question that was being posed by the interviewer, she said so, graciously and with humor, but nonetheless asserting her point, thereby maintaining control of the interview and stopping it from being the runaway bore that was the interview I witnessed at the same venue with Oliver Stone. And I'm not dissing the JCC -- I love that they can attract such notable celebrities to our community and charge a nominal fee to hear them speak. My point is that the evening was a delight thanks to Ms. Winger's candor, finesse and charm ~ a role model for all women whatever age, but especially over 50.

Brava! Now I'm going to curl up and read her book!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Someone's Else's List for Summer...

I was so happy to come across this list. Just last week I renewed my gym membership, so number 1 check. That was half-way due to checking off number 2, though if you read this post a few weeks ago, you know that number 2 took care of me ~ thank heavens a man can make more sense than a woman on occasion:) And if you didn't read the post, then just know that I'm single again ~ out with the old (literally), bring on the new! See, I'm already ahead of the wardrobe game, number 3 check. I also just revamped my apartment and resumed yoga after my May 7th crash, number 4 check. Ooh, number 5 is a tough one... unless Amy's house in Mill Valley applies:) Number 6 is a no-brainer, currently reading Water for Elephants and The Russian Concubine, skimmed Eckhart Tolle's latest ~ nothing new to learn there. I do believe independent filmmaking comes under the category of volunteering ~ and, heck, if I ever make a penny out of the deal, I will be so giving 10% of it away! Number 8... so funny they chose screenplay as the example ~ since, I'm in screenwriting class every Tuesday 10 months of the year, check. Number 9, always a factor, check. Number 10 ~ off to LA for the weekend with a group of super fun friends. Phew! that was the easiest list ever:) Thank you Social Divas (

1. Get in Shape — No one, and we repeat, NO ONE has an excuse to be unhealthy. With all the extra hours on your hands, there’s never been a better time to get to it! It’s bikini season, after all.

2. Drop Your Seasonal Fling — Yes, we mean the guy you were hanging on to because, though it was alarmingly cold outside, his feet always managed to stay miraculously warm. He might have been a great snuggler, but who wants to cuddle when it’s 90 degrees outside?

3. Rid Yourself of Wardrobe Malfunctions — Now that the season is over, go through your dressers and closets and pull out anything that has a hole in it, doesn’t fit, or you can’t remember wearing it during the cooler months. Give those items to Goodwill or your fashionista niece. After all, if you didn’t wear it this year, chances of you wearing it in 2009 are slimmer than an Olsen twin.

4. Become a Zen Master — After you clean the clutter out of your wardrobe and your love life, start clearing out any of that pesky spiritual dead weight. Meditate, do some yoga, center your Chi. Trust us, after being cooped up all winter, your mind could use a good dose of positive affirmation.

5. Find a Summer House — If you don’t have one yet, GET ON IT! Find a friend, a friend’s friend or, what the hell, make a new friend and get yourself some digs by the beach.

6. Read a Book (NOT a book on tape) — As confessed reality TV fanatics, we know how hard it can be to shut off the tube during your vegetation time. Use your extra hours this summer to read something enriching.

7. Volunteer — You always wished you could, but you could never find the time. Now you have no excuse! Part of being a Social Diva is helping other Divas in their time of need. Sign up to be a counselor at your local women’s shelter, join the Boys & Girls Club… do something to enrich the lives of others. How very noble you’ll feel!

8. Get Schooled! — Have you always wanted to learn how to create your own jewelry? Learn how to sew so you can make your own fabulous duds? Get the skinny on how to write a good screenplay? Start looking into some classes that interest you and use your extra hours to learn something new.

9. Go Green — Spend a little time finding new ways to make your casa a little greener. Change out those lightbulbs, replace your air filter, or consult with some experts to find some more ways to reduce those icky carbon emissions.

10. Relax Already — You lead a busy life, Diva, and you deserve some ‘me’ time, too. So splurge on that day at the spa, or go lay by the pool for a few hours and (gasp) shut off your Blackberry. After all, you’ve earned it!

Monday, June 02, 2008

Historical Photos of San Francisco...

and Paris. Two books I was gifted with the promise that I would review them... I am so remiss! I have an excuse ~ I'm in post-production of a full-length feature film, no easy feat to accomplish on zero $$:(

That aside, I readily agreed to the proposition because I love history and photography and my two favorite cities on the planet are San Francisco and Paris. So, finally with a few minutes of downtime, I opened the pages... These are interesting collections of photographs, not immediately impressive, but worth studying for their amazing detail. Although I'm an architecture whore, as a filmmaker I'm more interested in people's faces and one of my favorite photographs is on page 162/163 ~ I'd scan and show it here but suspect I'd be busting copyright laws! Paris has a whole different vibe... it's just so much more... well, European!

That ain't much of a review ~ perhaps it's suffice to say that they look very elegant on my coffee table and friends like to pick them up and peruse them. They're available on Amazon at

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Woman Should Have...

Here's the list I actually live by:

A Woman Should Have:
  • One old love she can imagine going back to... and one who reminds her how far she has come...
  • Enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...
  • Something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an an hour...
  • A youth she's content to leave behind...
  • A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age...
  • A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lacy bra...
  • One friend who makes her laugh... and one who lets her cry...
  • A good piece of furniture not previously owned by anyone else in her family...
  • Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guest feel honored...
  • A feeling of control over her destiny.
Every Woman Should Know:
  • How to fall in love without losing herself... how to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without ruining the friendship...
  • When to try harder... and when to walk away...
  • That she can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents...
  • That her childhood may not have been perfect, but it's over...
  • What she would and wouldn't do for love or more...
  • How to live alone, even if she doesn't like it...
  • Whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally...
  • Where to go... be it to her best friend's kitchen table... or a charming inn in the woods... when her soul needs soothing...
  • What she can and cannot accomplish in a day... a month... a year.

And for the Gentlemen...

I wouldn't want any male readers of this little blog to feel left out, so here's an abridged version of a Woman's 50 Rules for Men:
  1. Call.
  2. Don't lie.
  3. If guy's night out is going to be fun, invite the girls.
  4. If guy's night out is going to involve strippers, remember the zoo rules: no petting.
  5. The correct answer to "Do I look fat?" is never, ever "Yes."
  6. Ditto for is she prettier than me?
  7. Ordering for her is good. Telling her what she wants is bad.
  8. Being attentive is good. Stalking is bad.
  9. Talking is good. Shouting is bad. Slapping is a felony.
  10. Dishsoap is your friend.
  11. Hat does not equal shower, aftershave does not equal soap, and warm does not equal clean.
  12. Buying her dinner does not equal foreplay.
  13. Answering "Who was on the phone? with "Nobody" is never going to end that conversation.
  14. Ditto for "Whose lipstick is this?"
  15. Two words: clean socks.
  16. Believe it or not, you're probably not more attractive when you're drunk.
  17. Burping is not sexy.
  18. You're wrong.
  19. You're sorry.
  20. She is probably less impressed by your discourse on your cool car than you think she is.
  21. Ditto for your discourse on football.
  22. Ditto for your ability to jump up and hit any awning in a single bound.
  23. Don't assume PMS is the cause for every bad mood.
  24. Don't assume PMS does not exist.
  25. Never let her walk anywhere alone after 11 pm.
  26. Chivalry and feminism are NOT mutually exclusive.
  27. Pick her up at the airport. Don't whine about it, just do it.
  28. If you want to break up with her, break up with her. Don't act like a complete jerk until she does it for you.
  29. Don't tell her you love her if you don't.
  30. Tell her you love her if you do. Often.
  31. Remember Valentine's Day, and any cheesy "anniversary" she so-names.
  32. Call.
  33. Don't lie.
  34. The rules are never fair. Accept this without question. The fact that she has to go through labor while you sit in the waiting room on your ass smoking cigars isn't fair either, and it balances everything.

Buzz, buzz, buzz....

The irony of having a zillion things to blog about is that I can't find the time to blog about them... and then I come across a handy-dandy list and feel compelled to share, especially in light of recent experiences, which, I might add, I am so totally over. I have learned that a) if the guy says he's an idiot, believe him; b) if he says you're too good for him, believe him; and c) if he says he's wasting your time, move on!

So, here, my lovely ladies is a
Woman's Little Instruction Book (to be taken with a grain of salt):
  1. Never do housework. No man every made love to a woman because the house was spotless.
  2. Remember you are known by the idiot you accompany.
  3. Don't imagine you can change a man, unless he's in nappies.
  4. What to do you if your boyfriend walks out? Shut the door.
  5. The reason men are on this planet is that vibrators can't dance or buy drinks.
  6. Go for younger men. You might as well ~ they never mature anyway.
  7. Never marry a man for money. You'll have to earn every penny.
  8. Men are all the same. They just have different faces so you can tell them apart.
  9. Definition of a bachelor: a man who has missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.
  10. Women don't make fools of men ~ most of them are the do-it-yourself type.
  11. The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest they are too old for it.
  12. The children of Israel wondered around the desert for 40 years. Even in biblical times men wouldn't ask for directions.
  13. Women sleep with men who, if they were women, they wouldn't even have bothered to have lunch with.
  14. Remember, a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes; it means that you laugh at his.
  15. Sadly, all men are created equal.
  16. The main point of having a boyfriend is so that he can one day graduate to the exalted status of a "former boyfriend."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do ~ Well!

So I took down the post about the commitmentphobe who dissed me... 'cos really, I'm not Samantha. As my facebook account confirms, I'm more like Carrie, and as Frank just pointed out, I should be thankful I haven't been arrested for smoking pot because my boyfriend broke up with me over a post it!

Actually, I'm grateful I made it home safely last night after beaucoup tequila at Beretta, which is fabulous. Check out my review on Yelp!

And, if you haven't already ~ go to and watch the trailer for Mismo:)

While going about my business to publicize an event I developed to promote earthquake preparedness in Southern Nevada, I came across this website ~

Welcome to where your dating/relationship mysteries are solved, or at least investigated to the fullest extent of your past lover’s maturity. We are on a mission to solve the most bewildering dating mysteries. We offer the opportunity to get an honest answer about something that has been on your mind and consuming your time through an objective, independent, third party.

And, if all else fails, they even have a dating doctor!

And, no... I am not about to start an investigation.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It's confirmed ~ Veuve Clicquot is the official champagne of MISMO! We will be unveiling our website and trailer on May 8th, as well as the new member to our cast, our official mascot, George, aka Jorge.

You'll be seeing a lot of George on youtube and various sites around the web in the months to come, so stay tuned.

Oh! ~ and to all of you who have donated to the cause THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU. If you had it in mind to make a contribution but just haven't gotten around to it, there's still plenty of time! Every penny helps... how else you gonna' see your name on the big screen?

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

MISMO Launch Party

Things are lining up for a one-year anniversary (of the first day of filming) event to celebrate the wrap of production and the launch of Mismo's marketing campaign... It's 99.9% certain that Veuve Clicquot will be the official champagne of Mismo!

Still plenty of time to make a contribution by clicking on the ChipIn widget you see on the right of this page... hint, hint:)

Stay tuned for further details.

Monday, March 10, 2008


My friend Kam who shares the same birthday as me has been ‘missing in action’ for the best part of a year. Yesterday, I found out why.

He was in Barcelona to celebrate his birthday and stayed up late to send me an email (which I never received). He’d just gone to bed when someone yelled, “fire!” The flames caught on so fast, there wasn’t time to put on clothes. Stark naked on the street, Kam watched the building burn to the ground within minutes.

He believes that if he hadn’t stayed up to send me that email, he would have died asleep in bed.

That’s just the beginning of his story… shortly thereafter he got an infection in his spine and was in a coma then paralyzed for months. Now it’s as if he’s a baby, relearning how to walk, talk… basic human functions. There’s a name for his condition, but he couldn’t quite recall with his slightly thick tongue and wandering mind. The prognosis is uncertain; he may be wobbly on a cane for the rest of his life, though knowing his spirit I doubt it.

When Kam was in San Francisco, his favorite place to eat was Café Gratitude. Where he is now, in Nottingham, England, there is nothing remotely like it.

“While you may not have a café,” I said, “you surely must still have plenty of gratitude,” to which he replied, “most definitely. I am still alive.”

For years I struggled with life, always seeking to know my dharma. I am so thankful to not have that struggle any more. I am a filmmaker and for that each day I am grateful. No-one can rain on my parade – meter maids, car vandals, angry neighbors – because I am making a movie! Nobody pays me to do it. I do it because it’s my passion and I’m grateful to have found others who share that passion.

So this little essay is my way of sending energy into the universe to help Kam regain his vitality so that he can get back to San Francisco, where I can take him to a certain small café and partake in a repast of gratitude.

And, if you’re so inclined to contribute even a small amount to the launch of MISMO, you will have my undying gratitude.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Forgot to Mention that ~

OF COURSE all contributors will be listed on the credits ~ just think ~ a few bucks and you get to see your name on the big screen! Come on, ChipIn and spread the word!

And, naturally, you will be invited to the bash to see the trailer and mingle with our fabulous cast, a couple of whom have been compared to Sean Penn and Zooey Deschanel, among others.

And, that's just the beginning...

Gino and I are already working on our next script...

Coen brothers ~ get ready to move over:)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Support Indie Film!

So, we've managed to shoot an incredible film with a talented cast, high production values and a great story! We are in post production and we have an amazing composer working on a score and original soundtrack, as well as a gifted editor who is going to cut the movie and design all the visual effects. We're well on our way for a submission to Sundance at the end of the year and for next year's Cannes -- all on next to nothing $$. What we now need is an event to thank our cast, crew, et al, and to debut our trailer and website to kick off our marketing/pr campaign. We also have a seasoned pr pro donating her skills and talent (thanks CT). We have a great location, courtesy of Inga Fischer, California Modern Art Gallery, and simply need help with food and beverages -- hence the widget on your right. One hundred contributions of $20 and we'll have one heck of a party! Please help spread the word and support your independent filmmaker. For all you know, we might be next year's Juno!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Coming up for air!

I can't believe my last post was December. Just proves how time flies when you're having a good time... or an indie filmmaker! So an update is in order ~

We wrapped production in December and went immediately to work on creating a trailer, which is a ton of work in of itself. Happy to report that is looks fab and will soon have fab music to accompany it courtesy of the very talented Mitchell Covington. Vijay is working hard on our website so that the launch will coincide very nicely with our wrap party that I've been promising for months. My challenge is to throw a party on a shoestring budget! Hey, I can produce a feature film on practically zero $$ but a party for a hundred plus people is another ball game entirely (I'm sure there must be a more appropriate metaphor, but you get the gist).

In addition, Gino and I are hard at work editing the film... or at least getting it to a rough cut so that a whiz editor can do their magic. I'm meeting with an editor tomorrow to review their work/our process. Hopefully, that will result in him coming on board... I cannot wait to see MISMO on the big screen ~ it's going to rock!

In January, I also produced a short film that we're aiming to pitch to a local tech company as an advertising concept. That was fun... we had a cast of 15 talented actors (there's so much talent in San Francisco!) and did a night shoot at Farley's on Portrero Hill. My partner on that, Donna, is off to Toronto with our footage to get it edited by her award-winning editor friend.

Last week, I hit day of distribution at Cinequest -- picked up a couple of biz cards that may come in handy down the road, but overall I'm unimpressed with traditional distribution channels, so watch this space, Facebook,, et al for social networking buzz. We're brimful with ideas for promotion!!

Have also been dining and drinking well... will post reviews when I have a minute.

Also, hats off the the makers of OUTSOURCED, an independent flick. They sent me a DVD for review at the end of the year, right when my player died (RIP)... Finally purchased a new one (who has time to watch movies when you're making one?!) and watched the film. Really enjoyable, very well done... I recommend it over many of the films that were up for Academy Awards!

Speaking of... wasn't that the most boring Oscars ever? Other than Javier Bardem, of course ~ isn't he yummy? Personally, I was thrilled to see Tilda Swinton win and just learned that she's Scottish! Go girl! Here's another Scot aiming to be on that platform making a speech... the bet is for 2010