Monday, March 10, 2008


My friend Kam who shares the same birthday as me has been ‘missing in action’ for the best part of a year. Yesterday, I found out why.

He was in Barcelona to celebrate his birthday and stayed up late to send me an email (which I never received). He’d just gone to bed when someone yelled, “fire!” The flames caught on so fast, there wasn’t time to put on clothes. Stark naked on the street, Kam watched the building burn to the ground within minutes.

He believes that if he hadn’t stayed up to send me that email, he would have died asleep in bed.

That’s just the beginning of his story… shortly thereafter he got an infection in his spine and was in a coma then paralyzed for months. Now it’s as if he’s a baby, relearning how to walk, talk… basic human functions. There’s a name for his condition, but he couldn’t quite recall with his slightly thick tongue and wandering mind. The prognosis is uncertain; he may be wobbly on a cane for the rest of his life, though knowing his spirit I doubt it.

When Kam was in San Francisco, his favorite place to eat was Café Gratitude. Where he is now, in Nottingham, England, there is nothing remotely like it.

“While you may not have a café,” I said, “you surely must still have plenty of gratitude,” to which he replied, “most definitely. I am still alive.”

For years I struggled with life, always seeking to know my dharma. I am so thankful to not have that struggle any more. I am a filmmaker and for that each day I am grateful. No-one can rain on my parade – meter maids, car vandals, angry neighbors – because I am making a movie! Nobody pays me to do it. I do it because it’s my passion and I’m grateful to have found others who share that passion.

So this little essay is my way of sending energy into the universe to help Kam regain his vitality so that he can get back to San Francisco, where I can take him to a certain small café and partake in a repast of gratitude.

And, if you’re so inclined to contribute even a small amount to the launch of MISMO, you will have my undying gratitude.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Forgot to Mention that ~

OF COURSE all contributors will be listed on the credits ~ just think ~ a few bucks and you get to see your name on the big screen! Come on, ChipIn and spread the word!

And, naturally, you will be invited to the bash to see the trailer and mingle with our fabulous cast, a couple of whom have been compared to Sean Penn and Zooey Deschanel, among others.

And, that's just the beginning...

Gino and I are already working on our next script...

Coen brothers ~ get ready to move over:)

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Support Indie Film!

So, we've managed to shoot an incredible film with a talented cast, high production values and a great story! We are in post production and we have an amazing composer working on a score and original soundtrack, as well as a gifted editor who is going to cut the movie and design all the visual effects. We're well on our way for a submission to Sundance at the end of the year and for next year's Cannes -- all on next to nothing $$. What we now need is an event to thank our cast, crew, et al, and to debut our trailer and website to kick off our marketing/pr campaign. We also have a seasoned pr pro donating her skills and talent (thanks CT). We have a great location, courtesy of Inga Fischer, California Modern Art Gallery, and simply need help with food and beverages -- hence the widget on your right. One hundred contributions of $20 and we'll have one heck of a party! Please help spread the word and support your independent filmmaker. For all you know, we might be next year's Juno!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Coming up for air!

I can't believe my last post was December. Just proves how time flies when you're having a good time... or an indie filmmaker! So an update is in order ~

We wrapped production in December and went immediately to work on creating a trailer, which is a ton of work in of itself. Happy to report that is looks fab and will soon have fab music to accompany it courtesy of the very talented Mitchell Covington. Vijay is working hard on our website so that the launch will coincide very nicely with our wrap party that I've been promising for months. My challenge is to throw a party on a shoestring budget! Hey, I can produce a feature film on practically zero $$ but a party for a hundred plus people is another ball game entirely (I'm sure there must be a more appropriate metaphor, but you get the gist).

In addition, Gino and I are hard at work editing the film... or at least getting it to a rough cut so that a whiz editor can do their magic. I'm meeting with an editor tomorrow to review their work/our process. Hopefully, that will result in him coming on board... I cannot wait to see MISMO on the big screen ~ it's going to rock!

In January, I also produced a short film that we're aiming to pitch to a local tech company as an advertising concept. That was fun... we had a cast of 15 talented actors (there's so much talent in San Francisco!) and did a night shoot at Farley's on Portrero Hill. My partner on that, Donna, is off to Toronto with our footage to get it edited by her award-winning editor friend.

Last week, I hit day of distribution at Cinequest -- picked up a couple of biz cards that may come in handy down the road, but overall I'm unimpressed with traditional distribution channels, so watch this space, Facebook,, et al for social networking buzz. We're brimful with ideas for promotion!!

Have also been dining and drinking well... will post reviews when I have a minute.

Also, hats off the the makers of OUTSOURCED, an independent flick. They sent me a DVD for review at the end of the year, right when my player died (RIP)... Finally purchased a new one (who has time to watch movies when you're making one?!) and watched the film. Really enjoyable, very well done... I recommend it over many of the films that were up for Academy Awards!

Speaking of... wasn't that the most boring Oscars ever? Other than Javier Bardem, of course ~ isn't he yummy? Personally, I was thrilled to see Tilda Swinton win and just learned that she's Scottish! Go girl! Here's another Scot aiming to be on that platform making a speech... the bet is for 2010