Sunday, April 29, 2007

Day Dreamin' in Sunny San Francisco

I recently went for a snap-happy walk... taking in the sun and the visual delights that my 'hood has to offer (thank you to all the artists for providing such a rich palette). I threw my shots together with a couple taken later that night... set them to a couple of tunes... and click here for the results if you have patience..., otherwise, click here for the more compact version.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Point Richmond to San Francisco...

I spent Sunday afternoon in Point Richmond ~ "Point Richmond?" I hear you ask... Yes. A charming hamlet off the beaten path that has a community theater (the Masquers) supported by a committed and very talented crew. It was a delightful way to pass a Sunday afternoon, so much so that I may become a musical fan yet! And the drive home was... well you can see for yourself

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tarantino on Craig

I envy the man's creative talent ~ and I was even liking his conversation with Craig ~ but did he have to go and ruin it by showing a clip from Death Proof that featured his bad acting?! We didn't even get the benefit of seeing Rose McGowan's face! What an ego... kinda' sad, makes you wonder what kind of car he drives;)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Non-denominational Easter in the City

And what a fine Easter it was... given that I grew up in a non-religious family, other than the obligatory chocolate egg filled with Cadbury chocolates...


Not having a taste for sweets ~ or chocolate ~ weeks after the fact, my brother and sisters would beg me to break into my untouched egg...


Present day: replace the candy with two glasses of wine, served by Steve, the assiduous bartender at Rose Pistola, while I luxuriate in the company of my friend, Chris, and discuss movies and potential plots, and now you're talking!

The ride home.... who needs chocolate when you have San Francisco!

Enjoy the show (taken with my digital camera ~ all stills, on the ride home) ~ bonus points for guessing the route!

Saturday, April 07, 2007


And get prepared for a rockin' rollercoaster of a ride like only Messrs. Rodriguez and Tarantino (with a little help from Mr. Zombie) can supply!

Rodriguez turns on the gore instantly and from there on out it only escalates but even though there are a couple of serious gag-reflex moments, you soon get the hang and just laugh along at the outrageousness of it all. Rose McGowan rocks ~ or should I say go-go's from start to finish and Freddy Rodriguez (the adorable undertaker from Six Feet Under) is, well, adorable.

The pseudo ads between Planet Terror and Death Proof are hilarious and worth foregoing that trip to the bathroom for ~ in fact pee before entering and don't buy no grande slurpies!

Sadly, however ~ SPOILER ALERT ~ in Death Proof , Tarantino's trademark dialogue falls flat and things only pick up in the second half when the action kicks in. I won't spoil it, suffice to say, the end is abrupt and redeems what lacked earlier.

I might also add that Tarantino should stick to directing. His talents as an actor are slim to none and just come as, to put it politely, ego massage.

Overall, however, TWO enthusiastic THUMBS UP!

p.s. I already bought the soundtrack!